A blog dedicated to the four wacky and talented guys of Big Time Rush. :)

Friday, August 31, 2012
BTR GIF of the day 08312012
It's Friday, and it's the last day of August as well! ^^
I am so excited for next month for a lot of reasons, which includes Logiebear's birthday on the 14th! YAY! :))
And so, for today, I am going to present a special GIF series featuring Logan and Kendall~
That's Logan trolling Kendall, leaving the latter so hungry. Look at Kendall's frustration. HAHAHAHAHA! XD
Marj <3
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Logan loves getting NAKED in the morning XD
I almost forgot about this one! *shoots self*
Like what I have mentioned before, I always check on 9GAG everyday for my daily dose of laughter and sarcasm. Last Monday, I checked out 9GAG and lo and behold~ I saw a very familiar picture so I screencapped it:
Original photo:
That was Logan's tweet last week~ Awesome juice name you got there, dude.
But, I wonder if he really loves getting naked in the morning. Hmmm...
Marj <3
BTR GIF of the day 08302012
The guys have been so busy with their Summer Tour~ and even though it's kinda tiring, bright smiles are still evident on their faces. I'm so happy they are enjoying every minute of it. ^^
Here's the GIF series for today~ This was from one of the soundcheck sessions included in their Big Time Summer Tour. :)
It's the boys doing the famed 'Macarena' dance! Who could forget the dance steps to this song? I myself danced this when I was in elementary. XD
These guys are a really a bunch of playful dorks! :D
Marj <3
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
BTR GIF of the day 08292012
For the nth time, Big Time Break-Up was shown last night, and for the nth time too, my cousin teared up at the end of the episode. Well, you can't blame her because..
1. She's a big Jendall (Jo x Kendall) fan; and
2. Her favorite BTR song "Worldwide" was also featured on this episode.
So here goes today's GIF, inspired by this, ugh, heart-breaking episode.
It's Kendall rushing to the airport to do their ceremonial 'goodbye kiss' just as Jo is about to leave for New Zealand. Awwww. Such a romantic and sad scene at the same time. :(
From all the BTR episodes that I've seen, this is the only episode which has a sad ending. -_-
Bonus GIFs:
Marj <3
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
BTR GIF of the day 08282012
I just finished making a fanaccount for my other fandom's gathering last Saturday~ It was an awesome and memorable experience for me because I was reunited with my friends who were fans of TVXQ as well.
I am looking forward to make one for Big Time Rush soon~ whether it's a fanclub gathering or a BTR concert~ that would be lots of fun! ^^
For today's GIF~ let's pause for a moment and silence and appreciate Logan acting like a fish. XD
Why are you forever goofy and adorable? *________________*
Gotta go for now~ I need to finish my students' Progress Reports. +_+
Marj <3
Monday, August 27, 2012
BTR GIF of the day 08272012
Hello there, lovely people!
It's already the last week of August, and I can feel the excitement for Logie-bear's upcoming birthday on September 14. :)) YEY! Ultimate spazz soon!
Meanwhile, here's our GIF for today. ^^
From "Big Time Prom Kings", that's sweet guy Kendall asking Jo out to be his date to the upcoming prom. Look at those flowers + cute guitar dude serenading her~ So romantic! :)
And here's another awesome Jendall (Jo + Kendall) pic~ they seriously look good together, right? I therefore demand more Jendall episodes in Big Time Rush!! ^^
Credit: as tagged
Marj <3
Friday, August 24, 2012
BTR GIF of the day 08242012
TGIF, babies!
My favorite day of the week has already come~ and say hello to staying up all night long! :D I won't be able to watch BTR tomorrow, though. I have to attend my other fandom's gathering at a nearby cinema. It'll be lots of fun 'coz I'm gonna see my fellow Cassies again (short for Cassiopeia, and this is what the fans of TVXQ are called).
Okkkaaaay so me and my cousin went berserk last night again 'coz we spent our time imitating Logan and James in Big Time Guru and Big Time Break-Up. XD
So here's today's GIF~ It's from Big Time Rush's Nickelodeon commercial~ This is usually shown in-between breaks. :)
I always imitate this part, especially Logan's. And yeah, James really has that swagger, right? XD
Marj <3
Thursday, August 23, 2012
BTR Soundcheck at #woohooholmdel *______*
So I found this audio file posted by a fellow Rusher on tumblr, and she recorded Big Time Rush's Soundcheck on their Holmdel, New Jersey gig.
Never mind the screams like "Oh my God I'm gonna cry", and the endless "I love you (insert member's name here)!!!!", that's wholly natural in events like that.
SO I ALMOST CRIED WHEN I HEARD BTR SANG THE ACOUSTIC VERSION OF MY FAVORITE BTR SONG "Music Sounds Better With U" and people were singing along to the band. *______* I imagined myself doing the same thing when I see them live. (plus the tears of happiness)
I really, really, really wish I can watch them perform live. I know I've been ranting over this for like, forever, but... GAAAAAHHHHH oh God let me see them in person, please. (I am wishing the same thing for my favorite Korean boy group TVXQ~ and even though I saw them in the flesh when they shot a commercial here in my country six years ago, I would love to see them perform together.)
So when I see them, I will be like~
MORE HAHAHAHAHAs co'z they also sang the forever hilarious "The Giant Turd Song", and of course, their current hit song, "Windows Down". WOOHOO!
I just love the fact that people were singing along to them, and I believe BTR appreciates all of their fans who have been supporting them since Day 1. Rushers are also lucky 'coz BTR are really humble guys and they know how to value their fans. ^^
Marj <3
BTR GIF of the day 08232012
We got watch BTR again last night (we lovvveeee watching the reruns, it's the closest thing we can do 'coz we effin can't download on our effed up internet).
As expected, flailing ruled our household because Big Time Guru was the episode shown last night~ And so, today's GIF series is inspired by this episode. XD
Here goes Gustavo's complaints about the "dogs" (he loves calling the guys that)~
Gustavo: James is still self-centered, and only cares about himself.
James: James and I still disagree.
Gustavo: Quiet you two! Carlos still lacks direction!
Carlos: I do not!
Gustavo: Turn around. Logan still lacks swagger.
Logan: Yes, but if you ever need a colored pencil, who you gonna call?
Gustavo: And Kendall needs to stop talking back to me after everything I say!
Kendall: And Gustavo needs to take-
Gustavo: Don’t say it! Not one more word. Good!
Kendall: Chill pill.
James: James and I still disagree.
Gustavo: Quiet you two! Carlos still lacks direction!
Carlos: I do not!
Gustavo: Turn around. Logan still lacks swagger.
Logan: Yes, but if you ever need a colored pencil, who you gonna call?
Gustavo: And Kendall needs to stop talking back to me after everything I say!
Kendall: And Gustavo needs to take-
Gustavo: Don’t say it! Not one more word. Good!
Kendall: Chill pill.
Logan dancing around like the most popular kid in college is just so perfect~ SWAG ON DUDE!
Apparently, as Logan's swag increases~ James is, ugh, "dying 'coz Logan is sucking up all his swag". XD
Marj <3
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
This is a James Maslow pimp post *_____*
Tumblr has been exploding again when netizens saw some of James' pictures from a photoshoot sporting a manlier and a more macho (HELL YEAH) look. *_____*
And sooooo to make up for not being able to spazz on James' birthday last July 16 (well, technically, this blog came to existence on August 09), I would like to take this chance to spazz over this tall and conceited (in the series, at least) pop star. XD
Allow me to share some of them to you~ Let's all die together as we welcome Big Time Rush's visual shocker, the handsome James.
I DIED OKAY. He's just so manly now with all that facial hair + fine biceps. Agree?
How can someone as adorable like this~
...turn into someone as hot like this??
So I was like~
But I am pretty sure all Rushers are like...
So, to all those who posted those pics of James~
Oh well~ that's James for you! :)
Marj <3
BTR GIF of the day 08222012
Okay. No BTR on TV for two days is so not good. I've been having these BTR withdrawals again so I resorted to watching my BTR video collection again.
Anyway, here is today's GIF series~ Big Time Rush tours the world in their music video for "If I Ruled The World". Such a danceable song. :) Furthermore, I'm having a bad case of LSS over the acoustic version of this song. *____* Dustin and Kendall's guitar skills FTW!
Hooray for Kendall and his Kung Fu moves! :D
Marj <3
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